Our spa will be closed for maintenance on Thursday, October 31st (7:00 AM – 3:00 PM)



Our 8 week boot camp program has officially commenced.

It’s officially that time of year when we all realise that winter is well and truly over, whilst summer is knocking at the door.

Although almost 600 people across Australia have thought proactively about how to overcome this challenging time, and signed themselves up for our 8 week boot camp program.

The program is designed to help participants improve their health and fitness all round, including cardio, weights and combination workouts. Throughout the eight weeks, everyone will have the opportunity to set goals and work towards them individually.

Top tip: Teamwork is the key to success with our 8 week boot camp, so be sure to build a strong team in anticipation of anything our trainers throw your way.

Our team looks forward to seeing what these tough bootcampers achieve over the upcoming 8 weeks!

In the meantime here’s a special message from BlueFit Fitness Manager, Chris:

“The BlueFit Bootcamp Instructor team is excited to help the participants burn some calories as well as improve their cardiovascular health and strengthen muscles. We encourage a group environment feel to Bootcamp classes to create a sense of a supportive and motivating community. The ability to test participants' endurance and strength is why we do what we do as instructors. By mentally challenging people in Bootcamp, we look forward to seeing people grow as individuals over the 8 weeks. Our Bootcamp classes are perfect for all people of all ages and fitness levels… We look forward to them becoming a stronger and more well-rounded individual.”

Check out some of the action our bootcampers have already endured!